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Friday, March 12, 2010

Cutting up what's left
What's left of big cedar
Start cleanup
What a mess!
Top of a tree impaled into the ground (looks like an upside down tree)
One of the pines taken out by the cedar
Large cedar fell into patio and took two small pines and three birch
Clearing the snow out of the patio so we could start cutting up the downed trees.

These photos are from our "big January snow" (actually not much bigger than we often have, but much wetter and heavy) This was before the trees started falling.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

More Lower Klamath Photos

Lower Klamath Tules, taken back in January.
Beautiful fishing eagle
Having lunch

Many Birds

So Many Birds

Eagle's Nest

Papa Eagle is overseeing the making of the nest as the female does all the work. Lower Klamath Wildlife Refuge.